Sunday, 24 July 2011

Pah! Lost it again ...

I fear my sewing mojo has upped and left again.  This happens from time to time and is rather frustrating and even a little bit depressing.

Have recently made a handbag as a present for a friend and it's just not right, but I can't work out what needs to be done about it.  So it just sits in the corner, quietly reminding me that I need to do something about it.

Spent today making a pink and white spotted fleece dressing gown for my daughter.  She loves it, but the effect of feeling that I had to make it in one day took all pleasure out of the process for me.

I'm sure I'm not the only crafter who goes through these phases, so hopefully my next post will be all hearts and flowers and positive news about lovely things I've sewn!

Until then ....

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