Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Back on the dancefloor ...

Finally decided what to do about the dress I made in the 'dancing couples' fabric that I ended up not liking.

Went with my initial solution idea which was to put in a 'modesty' panel at the front of the bodice so that it didn't sit so low at the front:

I also chopped a good few inches off the bottom of the dress and levelled it off so it is now a smock top:

All in all, a much better result, so I'm very pleased with it now.  Will get much more wear out of it, rather than it hanging in the wardrobe until I give it to the charity shop!


  1. But what are you going to do with the leftover bit?????

  2. It must have been a very short dress, as there was only about 3" of fabric left over!!! A pair of matching pants maybe?
